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Euryale (your-ALE), Where did you get that name???

The story of our brewery name is a strange and winding tale, but we think it is fate that we ended up as Euryale Brewing Company. 

A few years ago, we were at the Riverside Art Council’s fund raiser, the Mayor’s Celebration of Arts & Innovation and we purchased a painting by one of our favorite local artists, Beatriz Mejia-Krumbein. It was a large oil painting of Medusa’ s head in black and white. It did not really match our home décor and when Carrie’s mom asked “where are you going to hang that?” We answered “in the brewery,” which referred to Don’s garage (Man Cave) at the back of our home. When we started forming the plan to actually open a production brewery, we decided it would be called Medusa Head Brewery. We incorporated as Medusa Head Brewery and started preliminary marketing under that name. We had local artist, Jon Brosius, design a Medusa Head Brewery logo for us. 

As things progressed, we wanted to trademark our name and that’s when we hit a snag. There was already a Medusa Brewing company in Massachusetts and they had already gotten their name trademarked. We would not be able to get Medusa Head Brewery trademarked, it was too similar. We had this beautiful logo and we really loved the name we had but we had to make a change. We started researching Medusa and Greek Mythology. Medusa was one of three gorgon sisters, all of the gorgons have the snake hair that would go with our logo. Medusa’s sisters were immortals named Sthenno and Euryale. We decided on Euryale, duh, she has ALE in her name. It was meant to be. We had Jon Brosius change the name on the logo, give our gorgon, Euryale her signature violet eyes and we were back on track. We were able to trademark our name and change our business to Euryale Brewing Company. Our goal is to make Euryale as well known as her sister Medusa.